(02) 6622 2323

Delivering quality services and maximising independence and wellbeing

Privacy and Confidentiality
Your confidentiality will at all times be respected. We ask all Clients to respect the confidentiality of information about other Clients and Staff.
Your Information – It’s Private
What information do we collect about you?
We keep your name and contact details on your client record. Other details such as your goals (care plans) and information about your health are recorded and reviewed regularly.
Why do we collect your information?
The information we collect helps us keep up-to-date details about your needs so we can care for you in the best possible way. We also use the information to better manage and plan the services we provide.
Who else sees your information?
All information is kept strictly confidential and is only accessed by authorised staff. As part of our Client induction, we ask for your permission to use personal information in our statistical reports to government. At no time are you individually identified in these reports.
What say do you have in what happens to your information?
You have a say in what happens to your information. We rely on the information you give us to help provide the right care for you. It is your right not to share some of your information or restrict access to your Client Record but it may affect our ability to provide you with the best possible services. Talk to us if you wish to change or cancel your consent.
How will your information be protected?
We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your record. The privacy of your information is also protected by law. We treat your information in the strictest of confidence and store it securely.
Can you access your information?
Yes, you have the right to request access to your information and to ask for it to be corrected if necessary.
Relevant Legislation
LHMS must abide by relevant Acts and Legislation as specified by government agencies. These include but are not limited to:
Disability Inclusion Act 2014
Aged Care Act 1997
The Building Code of Australia and relevant standards
Local government planning laws and ordinances
All industrial relation laws including the Fair Work Act and relevant Awards
Work Health and Safety Laws
Privacy and Confidentiality Laws
What Is An Advocate?
An advocate is a person who, with the authority of the client, promotes and represents the rights and interests of the people.
Clients may use an advocate of their choice to negotiate on their behalf. This may be a family member, friend or advocacy service. Advocates will be accepted by LHMS as representing the interests of the Client.
Advocates may be used during assessments, reviews, and complaints or for any other communication between the client and LHMS.
Advocacy and information services perform a crucial role in the disability sector by helping people to make informed decisions about their lives and help them to choose how they wish to engage with their communities.
See more at: www.adhc.nsw.gov.au or www.myagedcare.gov.au
Where can I find an Advocacy or Information Service?
Advocacy is supported by both Federal and State governments.
The National Aged Care Advocacy Program (NACAP) is a national program funded by the Australian Government under the Aged Care Act 1997. The NACAP aims to promote the rights of people receiving Australian Government funded aged care services. - www.myagedcare.gov.au
Phone: (02) 9281 3672 Email: tars@tars.com.au Website: www.agedrights.asn.au/nsw/
Advocacy Organisations
DAISI www.daisi.asn.au
Ability Inc. www.abilityincorporated.org.au
Ability Links NSW www.abilitylinksnsw.org.au
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association mdaa.org.au
Aged Rights- TARS www.agedrights.asn.au/nsw
National Ethnic Disability Alliance www.neda.org.au
NSW Council of Social Services - NCOSS www.ncoss.org.au
People with Disability www.pwd.org.au/what-we-do/our-services.html
Disabiliy Advocacy NSW da.org.au
National Disability Services www.nds.org.au
National Disability Insurance Scheme NDIS www.ndis.gov.au
National Aged Care Advocacy Program (NACAP) www.myagedcare.gov.au
NSW Senior Rights Service www.seniorsrightsservice.org.au
NSW Family & Community Services (ADHC) www.adhc.nsw.gov.au