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Client Information

How To Become A Client


From the 1 July 2015, all new clients over the age of 65 or Aboriginal people over the age of 50 will need to call My Aged Care to be assessed and referred to LHMS.


My Aged Care - Please call 1800 200 422


My Aged Care Online Referral


If you are under 65 years of age and have a disability, please call LHMS on 02 6622 2323 to arrange an assessment by an Occupational Therapist.


Under 65 Years of Age? How do I become a Client ?


If you are eligible for NDIS please call LHMS on 02 6622 2323 to discuss your plan.  


If you are under 65 years of age and have a disability but are not eligible for NDIS we may be able to offer limited services. Please call LHMS on 02 6622 2323 to discuss your needs.


As of July 2017 the rollout of the NDIS to Northern NSW will begin. Click here

For more information visit our NDIS tab or the NDIS website.


You may have already been referred to LHMS by an Occupational Therapist or other Health Professional. Once LHMS has received the referral and your information, one of our friendly staff will be in contact with you to assess your requirements.


Please note: Initial contact will depend on the urgency of the request by the Occupational Therapist or Health Professional.


Waiting List


When your referral has been received by LHMS, your work will be prioritised by LHMS staff against other work which needs to be completed. This means that a short period of time may lapse until LHMS completes the work you require. However this will not be the case if you have been deemed an emergency case or deemed a high priority by the Occupational Therapist.





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