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As a way of improving our services to the community, LHMS welcomes all feedback. We would like to hear from you should you have any complaints regarding the service you are receiving or any suggestions you would like to make to improve services provided by LHMS.


As a Client, you have the right to complain about the service you are receiving without fear of retribution and you will continue to receive uncompromised services whilst your complaint is dealt with in a fair, prompt, confidential and timely manner.


LHMS will resolve all complaints in a confidential manner amongst team members and other individuals directly concerned with its resolution. However, there may be some instances where it will be necessary to provide information to a third party.


In order to satisfactorily resolve a complaint, please be rest assured that your permission will be obtained prior to any information being given to other parties whom it may be desirable to involve. In some instances there is a legal requirement and/or duty of care to disclose information to an external body, e.g. if harm to self or others seems likely or if there are legal implications inherent in the complaint.


You have the right to use an advocate (family member, friend or advocacy service) and we can assist with finding someone to represent you if needed.




  • In the first instance, clients are encouraged to raise their complaint with the staff member or Builder Manager responsible for delivering the service concerned.

  • Clients may use an advocate to negotiate on their behalf.

  • If the client is not happy to discuss the issue with the staff member responsible for delivering the service concerned, they or their advocate may contact the Builder Managerby phone on 6622 2323 or in writing, 43 Habib Drive, South Lismore, NSW 2480 or via email at

  • If the complaint is about the Builder Manager, the complainant may choose to go directly to the Chairperson of the Board of Management by phone on 6622 2323 or in writing, 43 Habib Drive, South Lismore, NSW 2480 or via email at

    • If you are not happy with the complaint process you may contact the Aged Care Complaints Scheme on 1800 550 552 or the NSW Ombudsman on1800 451 524.

  • After raising your complaint, you will be contacted within one week to acknowledge the complaint and outline timeframes for investigation and resolution.

  • While we aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible, if your complaint cannot be resolved within one month you will be provided with a progress reports.

  • At the end of this process, the final outcome will be discussed with you and we will ask for feedback as to your satisfaction with the resolution and any improvement to the overall process you may be able to suggest. You have the right to appeal any decision(s) made.

  • If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may raise the issue with the Chairperson of the Management Committee by way of a phone conversation or written letter if you prefer. To arrange this, phone 6622 2323 or write to The Chairperson of the Board of Management 43 Habib Drive, South Lismore, NSW 2480. Please mark the envelope CONFIDENTIAL.


If further action is required, you may wish to contact -

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission 


The scheme provides a free service enabling anyone to raise their concerns about the quality of care or services being delivered to people receiving aged care services subsidised by the Australian Government.


Please note: All 1800 numbers are free calls from fixed lines; calls from mobiles may be charged.


Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner



  • Phone: 1800 951 822


  • Mail: Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner
           GPO Box 9819, Sydney 2000



NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission 

If the provider is unable to resolve your concern or complaint, then you should seek further support.

You may seek support from family, a friend or an independent advocate in making a complaint.

A complaint can be made to the NDIS Commission by:

The NDIS Commission can take complaints from anyone about:

  • NDIS services or supports that were not provided in a safe and respectful way

  • NDIS services and supports that were not delivered to an appropriate standard

  • how an NDIS provider has managed a complaint about services or supports provided to an NDIS participant


As well as dealing with complaints, the NDIS Commission works to educate providers about delivering quality and safe supports, and effectively responding to complaints. If a complaint raises a serious compliance issue, the NDIS Commission has powers to take action.




If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you may contact them through the National Relay Service or for vision impairment through Vision Australia



Non English speaking persons


  • Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450

  • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 02 9286 1000

  • NSW Government Multicultural - Interpreting & Translation 1300 651 500

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