(02) 6622 2323

Delivering quality services and maximising independence and wellbeing

Clients are asked to pay for the cost of materials and an hourly rate is applied at a subsidised rate.
As each job varies greatly, our staff will provide you with a quote that is specific to the work you need.
Whilst payment on completion of the work is appreciated, LHMS does offer flexible payment options if required.
If you are having problems paying your account please call the office on 6622 2323.
NB - LHMS’s Management Committee sets their Fees Policy in accordance with Government Guidelines.
How Do I Pay?
Client fees are collected to ensure the ongoing continuity of the organisation to service the community and those in need.
A variety of payment options are available to clients to accommodate individual requirements and provide flexibility.
Clients may pay via
Cheque; and or
Electronic Fund Transfer.
You will provided with a receipt when you have paid your account. If you are having difficulty paying your account or would like to make a complaint about your fees, please call the Builder Manager on 6622 2323.